Dr. Àngels Llanes Baró
Area of knowledge: English Philology
e-mail: angels.llanes@udl.cat
Telephone number: +34 973 70 31 20
Office 2.19 |
Office 0.06 |
Faculty of Arts Víctor Siurana square, 1 25003 Lleida |
Faculty of Law, Economy and Tourism Av. Jaume II, 73 25001 Lleida |
Ext. 3120 | Ext. 3348 |
First semester |
Second semester |
Monday, from 10 to 11 and 12 to 13h |
FLEandT |
Friday, from 13 to 14h |
Friday, from 13 to 14h |
Academic profile
Foreign language acquisition
Academic and scientific writing
German as a foreign language
Research lines
Foreign language acquisition
The role of age in foreign language acquisition
Learning context in foreign language acquisition (mobility projects, stays at the country of origin…)
Effect of reading in English in foreign language acquisition
- Translanguaging
- ORCID: 0000-0002-5611-7254
Latest research projects
-The development of GLOCAL competence through study abroad in non-English-speaking contexts: applying the Experience Sampling Method by means of a smartphone application (GLOCALSA)
- Global competence of university students: pilot experience of curricular internationalization - GLOCIC
Extended curriculum
More information
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