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More activities 2023
Staged reading 'Listening to Voices from Africa'
Day: 19 December 2023
Hour: at 18h
Venue: Public Library in Lleida
Conference 'Carner, Josep Carner. Les moltes dimensions d'una figura literària'
By Jaume Subirana (UPF)
Tuesday: 21 November 2023
Hur: at 11.30h
Venue: room 2.26
By María Cecília de la Vega, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)
Days and hours:
15 November, from 10 to 11h
16 November, from 11.30 to 13h
17 November, from 8.30 to 10h
Venue: room 3.31 (rectorat building)
Download the programme in .pdf
International Symposium 'Issues in English-medium instruction in Higher Education: Global competence, plurilingual competence and disciplinary literacies'
Symposium organized in the framework of the research projects GLOCIC (PID2019-104333GB-I00), LIDISELF (PID2019-107451GB-I00) and the CLA research group (2021-SGR-00581).
Days: 9 & 10 November 2023
Venue: room 2.23, 2nd floor, Rectorat building
Link to the streaming sessions:
This special session, conducted by the FASTTXT company, is aimed at students and former students of the Double degree LLETRA and EA.
Day: 8 November 2023
Hour: from 11 to 12h
Venue: room 3.48
The exhibition African Writers, curated by Carme Junyent in 2022, is now hosted at Lleida's Public Library following the initiative of the research group CELCA from the department, and thanks to the support of the Group for the Study of Threatened Languages of the University of Barcelona.
Period: from 3 Novembre 2023 to 7 January 2024
Venue: Lleida's Public Library
Subject: Languages in contrast and in contact
Conference 'Calllenges of conference interpreting'
Workshop ' The practice of conference interpreting'
By Edin Dupanovic from the University of Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Days and hours: 15 & 16 May, from 13 to 14.45h
Room: 2.44
Subject: 'Translation (English)/Pràctica traductològica I'
Conference: 'Why are languages similar?'
Workshop: ' Kinship terminologies across languages'
By Edin Dupanovic from the University of Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Days and hours: 18 & 19 May, from 13 to 14.45h
Room: 3.48
Days and hours: 17 April, from 9 to 11h, and 19 April, from 11.30 to 13.30h
Venue: Sala de Juntes , 2nd floor
By Dr. Jaroslaw Hetman (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torún, Poland)
Aquesta exposició és part del resultat del projecte d'innovació docent que porta el mateix títol, amb la participació de sis assignatures del Grau d'Estudis Anglesos i el Doble Grau LLETRA.
L'exposició es podrà veure des del dia 13 d'abril fins al 3 de maig de 2023 al Claustre de les Heures, de l'edifici de Rectorat.
Del 3 al 18 de maig s'exposarà al hall de la EOI de Lleida i del 19 al 29 de maig al hall de l'Institut Joan Oró de Lleida.
Acabada aquesta itinerancià tornarà a l'edifici de Rectorat durant el mes de juny.
Days and time: 17 and 18 April, from 13 to 15h
Place: room 2.44
Guest: professor Lorena Guadalupe Baudo (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
Days and time: 13 and 14 April, from 13 to 15h
Place: room 3.48
Guest: professor Lorena Guadalupe Baudo (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
Online conference by Dr. María Pascual Cobrerizo (University of Valladolid)
Day: 10 March 2023
Hour: from 13 to 15h
Room: 0.30 (Rectorat)
Link Google Meet:
Conference and three workshops by Antoni J. Tinedo (PhD, UNED)
- Worshop: Didactic Audiovisual Translation for the developement for writing skills
- Lecture. Didactic Audiovisual Translation (DAT) as an inclusive discipline that fosters media accessibility awareness
- Workshop. Developing Translation and Language Skills through Didactic Audiovisual Translation (DAT): the case of Specialised Audiovisual Translation
3) TRANSLATION (ENGLISH)/Pràctica traductològica I:
- Workshop. Didactic Audiovisual Translation and English for Specific Purposes: subtitling specialised texts while learning languages is possible
Days: 23 and 24 February 2023
Venue: Faculty of Arts, Rectorat building
Further information:
As a part of the subject of Autobiography in English, the students carried out projects dedicated to Patti Smith as a singer, writer and activist. The results of these projects have been exhibited in the form of posters during the month of January in the Faculty of Arts. Some students have also chosen to complete their project with an artistic performance. Through this link, you can watch the artistic project carried out by Andrea Quirós, Belén Alonso and Gisel·la Escobosa.