Dr. Irati Diert Boté
Part-time adjunct professor
Area of knowledge: English Philology
e-mail: irati.diert@udl.cat
Telephone number: +34 973 70 21 83
Office 2.24b |
Office 0.08 |
Faculty of Arts Víctor Siurana square, 1 25003 Lleida |
Faculty of Law, Economy and Tourism Av. Jaume II, 73 25001 Lleida |
Ext. 2183 | Ext. 3301 |
Primer semestre |
By appointment.
Academic profile
English for specific purposes
English for academic purposes
Research lines
English learning as a foreign language
Emotions inside the classroom
Believes about language learning
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6964-5996
- Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=b84pUWQAAAAJ&hl=es
Latest research projects
- Development of Language Ideologies in the training of pre-service English Language Teachers from an ELF perspective (ELFING)
- Development of disciplinary literacies in English as a lingua franca at university - LIDISELF
Extended curriculum
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