Dr. M. Carme Figuerola Cabrol
Area of knowledge: French Philology
e-mail: carme.figuerola@udl.cat
Phone number: +34 973 70 31 68
Office 2.39 |
Faculty of Arts Víctor Siurana square, 1 25003 Lleida |
Ext. 31 68 |
First semester |
Thursday and Friday, from 10 to 11h
Second semester |
Monday, fom 10 to 12h
Academic profile
- French literature
- Francophone literature
- Reception of French literature in Spain
- French Literature and other arts
- French Language
- Cultural mediation
Research lines
- French Language
- French literature from the 19th to the 21st Century
- Studies of the reception of the literary text (France-Catalonia-Spain)
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5783-7851
- ResearcherID: M-5728-2013
- Scopus Author ID: 36453777100
- Google Scholar
- UdL Open Repository: Carme Figuerola
Latest research projects
Escritura colaborativa decimononica: estudio de una nueva perspectiva narrativa en la literatura popular francesa (PID2021-123009NB-I00). Programa Generación del Conocimiento. Convocatoria 2021
Period of execution: September 2022-August 2025
Lead investigator: M. Carme Figuerola
Extended currículum
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