Dr. Núria Mina Riera
Assistant Professor
Area of knowledge: English Philology
e-mail: nuria.mina@udl.cat
Telephone number: +34 973 70 31 37
Office 2.22 |
Faculty of Arts Víctor Siurana square, 1 25003 Lleida |
Ext. 3137 |
Second semester
Faculty of Arts: Thurday and Friday, from 10 to 11h
Academic profile
- English for specific purposes (Business English and English for Art History)
- Teaching written skills in English
Research lines
Literary gerontology
- Researcher ID: DWU-8645-2022
Latest research projects
- Profiguration: intergenerational relations and overcoming ageism through narrative (PRO-SUEDAD)
- Aging, quality of life and creativity through narrative - ECAVINAR
- Aging and gender in the contemporary literary creation in English
Extended curriculum
More information
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