Research Groups associated with the UdL
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Center of Literatures and Cultures in English
Consolidated research group
Reference: 2021-SGR-01356
Group’s coordinator:
- Maricel Oró Piqueras
Members of the research group:
- Isabel Alonso Breto (UB)
- Yuliia Benderska
- Núria Casado Gual
- Emma Domínguez Rué
- Agnès Guardiola Pastor
- Felicity Hand (UAB)
- Esther Jiménez Rodríguez
- Àngels Llurda Mari
- Guillem Mas Solé
- Núria Mina Riera
- Dolors Ortega Arévalo (UB)
- Esther Pujolràs Noguer
- Diana Rodríguez Bonet
- Isabel Santaulària Capdevila
- Inesa Shevchenko
- Ieva Stoncikaite (UPF)
- Katerina Valentova
- Verónica Vizcaíno Cabezas
Research lines of the group:
- Construction of the “communal self”
- Aesthetics of remembering: empathy, identity and mourning
- South Asian diasporas in the Western Indian Ocean
- Forced displacements: the Chagos Islands case
- Literary representations of trauma
- Historical memory and Life Writing
- Translating oceanic writing: constraints and latitudes
- Literary gerontology / age-ageing studies
- The ageing process from a gendered perspective
- Intergenerational relationships as presented in literature
- Ageing studies from theatre studies and community theatre
- Ageing and gender in graphic novels
- The life course perspective and late creativity in contemporary poetry
- Narrative analysis from an ageing studies perspective
- Ageing studies and popular culture (detective fiction, speculative fiction, fantasy, etc.)
- Ageing studies applied to films and TV series
Latest research projects:
Lead investigator: Esther Pujolràs
- Profiguration: intergenerational relations and overcoming ageism through narrative (PID2021-122770OB-I00)
Lead investigators: Maricel Oró and Fidel Molina
Lead investigators: Núria Casado and Fidel Molina
Lead investigator: Núria Casado
More information:
Circle of Applied Linguistics
Consolidated Research Group with funding.
Reference: 2021-SGR-01295
- Maria Sabaté Dalmau
Members of the research group:
Marta Aguilar Pérez (UPC)
Elisabet Arnó Macià (UPC)
- Federico Borges Sáiz
- Florence Baills
- Júlia Calvet Terré
- Josep M. Cots Caimons
- Irati Diert Boté
- Anca Daniela Frumuselu
- Montserrat Irun Chavarria
M. Àngels Llanes Baró
- Enric Llurda Giménez
Guzmán Mancho Barés
- Ana Marsol Jornet
- Thais Mena Orduña
Francisco Javier Martin Rubio
Sònia Mas Alcolea
Balbina Moncada Comas (UPC)
- Iris Solà Cortada
- Helena Torres Purroy
- Alexandra Vraciu
Research lines of the group:
- Communicative, social and educational aspects of multilingualism and plurilingualism
- Internationalisation, lingua francas and minority languages in higher education
- Language learning and language uses in English-Medium instruction
- Learning context, age and motivation in second language acquisition
- Political economy perspectives on language-in-society issues
- Sociolinguistic perspectives on mobility, migration and transnationalism
- The role of technology in language learning
Latest research projects:
Lead investigator: Enric Llurda
Lead investigators: Josep M. Cots i Àngels Llanes
Lead investigators: Enric Llurda and Guzman Mancho
Lead investigators: Josep M. Cots and Àngels Llanes
Lead investigators: David Block and Guzman Mancho
Lead investigators: Enric Llurda and Josep M. Cots
More information: