List of all the research projects
Title and acronym:
Audiovisual Translation for Inclusion and Accessibility (AVTIA)
Co-funding institution:
Number of this projecg:
Project partners:
- Universitatea de Medicină, Farmacie, Științe și Tehnologie „George Emil Palade” din Târgu Mureș (Targu Mures, Romania)
- Universitat de Lleida (Lleida, Spain)
- Università di Parma (Parma, Italy)
- Pixel (Florence, Italy)
- Univerzitet u Beogradu (Belgrade, Serbia)
- The West University of Timisoara (Timisoara, Romania)
Responsible at UdL:
Anca Daniela Frumuselu
UdL members participation in this project:
Anca Daniela Frumuselu
Maria Sabaté Carrové
Florence Baills
Mariazell Eugènia Bosch
Period 01/11/2024 - 30/10/2026
Webpage link:
More Information:
Title and acronym:
The development of GLOCAL competence through study abroad in non-English-speaking contexts: applying the Experience Sampling Method by means of a smartphone application (GLOCALSA)
Knowledge Generation Projects, within the framework of the State Programme to promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research (2021-2023). CALL 2022
Funding institution:
Lead investigators:
Josep M. Cots Caimons
Àngels LLanes Baró
Members of the project:
- Glòria Vázquez García
- Juan Enrique Garrido Navarro
- Anca Daniela Frumuselu
- Antoni Granollers Saltiveri
- Thais Mena Orduña
- Lida Gallego Balsà (URV)
- Sònia Mas Alcolea (UAB)
- Judith Borràs Andrés
From 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2026
Title and acronym:
Aquatic Imaginaries: Re-charting Indoceanic and Atlantic Literary Productions (INDAOC)
Knowledge Generation Projects, within the framework of the State Programme to promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research (2021-2023). CALL 2022
Funding institution:
Lead investigator:
Esther Pujolràs Noguer
Members of the project:
- Juan Ignacio Oliva (Universidad de la Laguna)
- Juan Miguel Zarandona (Universidad de Valladolid)
- Isabel Santaulària
- Nicholas Spengler (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Jorge Diego (Universidad de Salamanca)
- Maurice O'Connor (Universidad de Cádiz)
- Dolors Ortega (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Kumari Issur (University of Mauritius)
- Maria Sabina Draga (University of Bucharest)
- Coplen Rose (University of Toronto)
- Juan José Martín (Universidad de Málaga)
- Charne Labery (University of Pretoria)
- Felicity Hand Cranhan (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
From 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2026
Title and acronym:
Development of Language Ideologies in the training of pre-service English Language Teachers from an ELF perspective (ELFING)
Knowledge Generation Projects, within the framework of the State Programme to promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research (2021-2023). CALL 2022
Funding institution:
Lead investigator:
Enric Llurda Giménez
Members of the project:
- Maria Sabaté Dalmau
- Xavier Martin Rubio
- Júlia Calvet Terré
- Montserrat Irun Chavarria
- Francisco Javier González Ruiz
- Nicos Sifakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- Martin Dewey (King's College London)
- Irati Diert Boté
- Robert James Lowe (Ochanomizu University)
- Inmaculada Pineda Hernández (Universidad de Málaga)
From 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2026
Title and acronym:
Nineteenth-century collaborative Writing : Study of a new narrative perspective in French popular Literature (ESCOLXIX)
Knowledge Generation Projects, within the framework of the State Programme to promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research (2021-2023). CALL 2021
Funding Institution:
Lead investigator:
M. Carme Figuerola Cabrol
Members of the project:
- Montserrat Parra Albà
- Esther Juan Oliva (UNED)
- María del Mar Jiménez-Cervantes Arnao (UNED)
- Flavia Aragón Ronzano (UCA)
- Angela Magdalena Romera Pintor (UNED)
- Isabelle Bes Hoghton (UiB)
- Angels Santa Banyeres
- Daniel Compère (Université de Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle)
- Béatrice Didier (École Normale Supérieure)
- Claude Schoop (Université de Sergy-Pontoise)
- Ramon Usall Santa
From 1st September 2022 to 31st August 2025
Title and acronym:
Profiguration: intergenerational relations and overcoming ageism through narrative (PRO-SUEDAD)
Knowledge Generation Projects, within the framework of the State Programme to promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research (2021-2023). CALL 2021
Funding Institution:
Lead investigators:
Maricel Oró Piqueras
Fidel Molina Luque
Project members:
- Eva Barallat Gimeno
- Jordi Bergé Comella
- Joan Blanco Blanco
- Núria Casado Gual
- Emma Dominguez Rué
- Núria Mina Riera
- Marta Miquel Baldellou
- Adelina Miró Miró
- Esther Rubinat Arnaldo
- Paquita Sanvicen Torné
- Inesa Shevchenko Hotsuliak
- Anna Soldevila Benet
- Ieva Stoncikaite
- Teresa Torres González
- Katerina Valentova
- Francesc Valenzuela Pascual
- Verónica Vizcaíno Cabezas
From 1st September 2022 to 31st August 2025
Title and acronym:
Development of disciplinary literacies in English as a lingua franca at university - LIDISELF
State Programmes of Knowledge Production and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the System R+D+I and R+D+I Oriented towards Social Challenges, from the State Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation. 2017-2020. ANNOUNCEMENT 2019
Funding Institution:
Lead investigators:
Enric Llurda Giménez
Guzman Mancho Barés
Project members:
- Marta Aguilar Pérez
- Elisabet Arnó Macià
- Eulàlia Borrás Riba
- Júlia Calvet Terré
- Irati Diert Boté
- Montse Irun Chavarria
- Sarah Khan
- Enric Llurda Giménez
- Guzman Mancho Barés
- Xavi Martin Rubio
- Vasilica Mocanu
- Balbina Moncada Comas
- Eleonor Alexandra Vraciu
From 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2023
Title and acronym:
The global competence among university students: a pilot experience of curricular international- GLOCIC
State Programmes of Knowledge Production and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the System R+D+I and R+D+I Oriented towards Social Challenges, from the State Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020. ANNOUNCEMENT 2019
Funding institution:
1806 PID2019-104333GB-I00
Lead investigators:
Josep Maria Cots Caimons
Àngels Llanes Baró
Project members:
- Josep M. Cots Caimons
- Judith Borràs Andrés
- Anca Frumuselu
- Lídia Gallego Balsà
- Àngels Llanes Baró
- Sònia Mas Alcolea
- Thais Mena Orduña
- Maria Sabaté Dalmau
From 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2023
Title and acronym:
From text to knowledge: factuality and degrees of certainty in Spanish – TAGFACT
Announcement of grants for research projects of the State Plan of Scientific Research and Excellence Technique 2013-2016. ANNOUNCEMENT 2017
Funding Institution:
Lead investigator:
Glòria Vázquez Garcia
Project members:
- Irene Castellón Masalles
- Ana Fernández Montraveta
- Glòria Vázquez García
- Laura Alonso i Alemany
- Hortènsia Curell Gotor
- Sònia Oliver del Olmo
From 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2021
Title and acronym:
Empirical analysis of the impact of teaching in English at university: language learning, disciplinary knowledge and academic identities - ASSEMID
Announcement of grants for research projects of the State Plan of Scientific Research and Excellence Technique 2013-2016. ANNOUNCEMENT 2016
Funding Institution:
Lead investigators:
David Block Allen and Guzman Mancho Barés
Project members:
- Elisabet Arnó Macià (UPC)
- Marta Aguilar (UPC)
- David Block Allen
- Víctor Corona Villavicencio
- Montse Irun Chavarria
- Sara Khan (FUBV)
- Guzman Mancho Barés
- Balbina Moncada Comas
- Maria Sabaté Dalmau
- Dieter Tatzl (FH Joanneum University of applied Sciences)
From 30 December 2016 to 31 December 2020
Title and acronym:
Ageing, Creativity and Quality of Life through Narrative - ECAVINAR
Announcement of grants for research projects of the State Plan of Research, Development and Innovation Oriented towards social challenges 2013-2016. ANNOUNCEMENT 2016
Funding Institution:
Lead investigators:
Núria Casado Gual and Fidel Molina Luque
Project members:
- Eva Barallat Gimeno
- Núria Casado Gual
- Marc Garcia (UdL)
- Billy Gray (U. Dalarna)
- Maricel Oró Piqueras
- Dolors Mayoral Arqué
- Fidel Molina Luque
- Núria Mina Riera
- Marta Miquel Baldellou
- Adelina Miró Miró
- Emma Domínguez Rué
- Lluis Samper Rasero
- Paquita Sanvicén Torné
- Inesa Shevchenko
- Anna Soldevila Benet
- Ieva Stoncikaite
- Teresa Torres Gonzalez
- José Alberto Yuni Borthelle (U. Ncional de Santiago de Estero)
- Carme Zamorano Llena (U. Dalarna)
From 30 December 2016 to 31 December 2020
Title and acronym:
Transnational Alignment of English Competences for University Lecturers - TAEC
Funding Institution:
European Union
Participating Universities:
- University of Copenhagen (UCPH) - coordinator
- Universidad de Lleida (UdL)
- Universiteit Maastricht (UM)
- Universita Degli Studi di Torino (UNITO)
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka (FHSS)
UdL’s responsible:
Xavier Martin Rubio
Member of the UdL that participate in the project:
- Irati Diert Boté
- Montse Irun Chavarria
- Xavier Martin Rubio
- Maricel Oró Piqueras
From 18 September 2017 to 17 April 2020
Title and acronym:
Towards a multilingual perspective in English as a lingua franca teaching at university -PLURELF
Announcement of grants for research projects of the State Plan of Scientific Research and Excellence Technique 2013-2016. ANNOUNCEMENT 2015
Funding Institution:
Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness
Lead investigators:
Enric Llurda Giménez and Josep Maria Cots Caimons
Project members:
- Josep M. Cots Caimons
- Irati Diert Boté
- Lídia Gallego Balsà
- Àngels Llanes Baró
- Enric Llurda Giménez
- Xavier Martin Rubio
- Vasilica Mocanu
From 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2019
Title and acronym:
Social Innovation in Healthy and Active Ageing for Sustainable Economic Growth (SIforAGE)
7th Framework Programme (European Union) - Science in Society
Funding Institution:
European Union
Grant agreement ID: 321482
UdL's coordinator :
Brian Worsfold
Member of the UdL that participate in the project:
From 1 November 2012 to 10 October 2016
Title and acronym:
Intercultural Society, European citizenship and English as a lingua franca: between the politics and practices in university international mobility programmes - INCIEN
Announcement of grants for research projects of the VI National Plan I+D+I 2008-2011
Funding Institution:
Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness
Lead investigator:
Josep Maria Cots Caimons
Project members:
- Enric Llurda Giménez
- Lurdes Armengol Castells
- Peter Garrett
- David BlockAllen
- Marta Aguilar Pérez
- Guzman Mancho Barés
- Elisabeth Arnó Macià
- Claudia Barahona Fuentes
- Lídia Gallego Balsà
- Angels Llanes Baró
- Sònia Mas Alcolea
- Helena Torres Purroy
- Xavi Martin Rubio
From 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2015
Title and acronym:
Ageing, gender and creativity in contemporary English literature - EYGELCLCEI
Announcement of grants for research projects of the VI National Plan I+D+I 2008-2011
Funding Institution:
Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness
Lead investigator:
Núria Casado Gual
Project members:
- Brian Worsfold
- Maricel Oró Piqueras
- Emma Domínguez Rué
- Marta Miquel Baldellou
- Carme Farré Vidal
- Carme Zamorano Llena
- Billy Gray
- Ieva Stoncikaite
From 1 January to 31 December 2015
Title and acronym:
Internationalization and multilingualism in Universities in bilingual contexts: Catalonia, The Basque Country and Gales - CLA
Announcement of grants for research projects of the VI National Plan I+D+I 2008-2011
Funding Institution:
Ministry of Science and Innovation
Lead investigator:
Josep Maria Cots Caimons
Project members:
- Enric Llurda Giménez
- Lurdes Armengol Castells
- Peter Garrett
- Mercè Clemente Font
- Guzman Mancho Barés
- Elisabeth Arnó Macià
- Aintzane Doiz Bienzoas
- David Lasagabaster Herrarte
- Juan Manuel Sierra Plo
From 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011
Title and acronym:
Language Policies and Universities in bilingual communities
Announcement of grants for the funding of research projects that aim at the study of topics related with social sciences and humanities (PBR-DGR)
Funding Institution:
Lead investigator:
Josep Maria Cots Caimons
Project members:
- Enric Llurda Giménez
- Lurdes Armengol Castells
- Peter Garrett
- Elisabeth Arnó Macià
From 25 July 2009 to 31 December 2010
Title and acronym:
Perceptions of beauty in contemporary literature written in English
Announcement of grants for research projects, development and technological investigation 2000-2003
Funding Institution:
Ministry of Science and Technology
Lead investigator:
Brian James Worsfold
Project members:
- Nela Bureu Ramos
- Núria Casado Gual
- Emma Domínguez Rué
- Pere Gallardo Torrano
- Maria O'Neill Dalton
- Isabel Santaulària Capdevila
- Maria Vidal Grau
- Carme Zamorano Llena
From 19 December 2000 to 19 December 2003