Dr. Mariona Sabaté Carrové
Associate professor
Area of knowledge: Translation and Interpretation
e-mail: mariona.sabate@udl.cat
Telephone number: +34 973 70 21 53
Office 2.17 |
Faculty of Arts Víctor Siurana square, 1 25003 Lleida |
Ext. 2153 |
First semester |
Second semester |
F. ARTS | Monday and Tuesday, from 11 to 13h | Thursday and Friday, from 11 to 13h |
Academic profile
- Scientific and specialised translation
- Audiovisual translation and language teaching
- Machine translation and machine-aided translation
- Reverse translation Catalan/Spanish > English
Research line
- Didactic audiovisual translation (DAT) and audiovisual translation (AVT) as a didactic resource in class for teaching foreign language teaching and learning
- Audiovisual translation and media accessibility
- Machine translation and machine-aided tools and AI
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6894-8824
- Researcher ID: F-5097-2016
- Scopus Author ID: 15751844400
Latest research projects
- Audio-visual translation as a didactic resource for foreign language learning - TRADILEX (PID2019-107362GA-I00). Research Project I+D+i. Announcement 2019. Directed by Dr. Noa Talaván (UNED).
-Research project Consolidar: Processing, comprehension and translation of relative clauses and translation. Directed by Dr. Laura Manoilof (National University of Córdoba). 2018-2021.
Extended Curriculum
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