Introduction of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (DELILE) was established the 19th of January 2023 after the departmental restructuring of the UdL. It is currently made up of 43 members (39 PDI, 3 PDI in training and 1 PAS), all of them from the former Department of English and Linguistics and the Department of Classical, Spanish and French Philology, more specifically from the area of French philology although one member comes from de Department of Catalan Philology and Communication. DELILE represents de areas of German Philology, English Philology, French Philology, General Linguistics, Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, and Translation and Interpretation.
The Department teaches 15 degrees/double degrees and 4 masters at the University of Lleida. It house 3 research groups: the Applied Linguistics Circle (CLA), the Center of Literatures and Cultures in English (CELCA), and Popular French Literature and Media Culture. From DELILE, we promote several special teaching actions, all linked to the degree of English Studies and LLETRA-English (a study trip to Liverpool, an annual staging in English and an annual day called “Dal Day”) and the degree of Catalan Philology (Creation Day). DELILE also takes part in two doctoral programs as well as in all UdL mobility programs, which include stays abroad for students and programs involving international visiting professors.
Another aspect of the academic activity is the management and editing of two scientific journals, Sintagma and L’Ull Crític. The former is a scientific journal created more than 30 years ago and currently indexed in the most prestigious databases in the linguistics area. The latter is a publication of French and Francophone language and literature studies with the aim of worldwide dissemination that collects original and unpublished articles on the previously mentioned fields as well as on cultural aspects, comparative literature, and the reception of the literary text.